Sozo Freedom is about receiving internal healing and transformation that leads to external freedom.
Sozo Freedom’s focus is on the presence of God and His goodness. It is designed to help people hear Him for themselves and tear down old thought processes built on lies and form new thought processes built on truth. As we perceive God, ourselves, and the world around us rightly, we discover our true identity and are able to fulfill our destiny.
Finding Hope for Change
Each week we will watch a brief video by Bob and Polly Hamp on key shifts that lead to lasting transformation and then discuss and process together.
When: Thursday evenings 6:30 to 8:30pm, from Sept. 5th-Oct.10th
Sozo Weekend
Join us and our friends Bob and Polly Hamp for a transformative weekend as they discuss 'The War on Your Identity'.
Freedom Equip
Sozo Freedom Tuesday Equip Classes
Sozo Office - 101 Uhland Rd. Suite 101
November 5th and 12th
from 6:30 - 8:00pm
In-Person Session
If you desire a in-person Sozo Freedom session, email Dana Hutto.