Sozo Freedom’s Vision - To be the sons and daughters God created and restored us in Christ to be.
Sozo Freedom’s Mission - To help people receive a way of thinking about themselves, God and circumstances that leads to healing and freedom.
Come join us for a 10 week course beginning February 4th, called “Shame Free Brain!”
When: Weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: 149 Summer Mountain Dr. San Marcos
Shame Free Brain is a 10 week course that will include a new video each week by Bob Hamp. We will discuss and process together after each video. Shame is a beast and negatively affects every human being. We will learn how shame manifests and wreaks devastation in our lives. We will also learn how to escape its grip and walk in freedom!
In-Person Session
Any questions contact Dana Hutto