Welcome To The Family

Sozo Church San Marcos Texas

Salt + Light Building Initiative

The Salt & Light Initiative is more than a building project—it’s a vision to establish a permanent home for Sozo Church in San Marcos and lay the groundwork for a future church in Kyle/Buda. In January, we signed a contract to purchase the District Headquarters of the Pentecostal Church of God at 3107 RR12, along with the house next door. We expect to close on April 1, 2025. This facility will be transformed into a thriving church home, featuring an auditorium for 500+, dedicated children’s spaces, offices and equipping rooms. Beyond a place to gather and worship we envision a community hub, including a coffee shop, which will serve as a place for fostering connection and growth. But our heart is not for seating capacity—it’s for sending capacity. This is not just a place to gather, but a launchpad to equip and send people out for Kingdom impact.

The Pentecostal District has agreed to sell us the building on 3.5 acres, an additional 2 acres, and the house on 1.5 acres for $3.55 million. The terms are incredibly favorable:
10% down at 2% interest over 30 years
Minimal increase to our current facility costs (compared to our rising office lease and SMA rental)
A permanent home that locks in our facility costs for the future

What We Need to Make It Happen
To close the deal and renovate the building, we need approximately $2.5 million (final remodel costs are still being determined).
We already have over $1 million in our building fund.
• We need to raise $1.5 million by August 1st to move forward with renovations.
• Our goal is to be in the building by October.
• Additionally, we aim to raise $200,000 by January 1, 2026, to fund the launch of Sozo Kyle-Buda early next year.

How You Can Give
If you’d like to give now or make a pledge for future gifts, you can do so:
Online: click the “GIVE” button below
In-person: During our Sunday gatherings
Other gifts: If you’d like to contribute non-monetary gifts of value, please contact Joel Lowry Here.
Together, we believe this will be a place of transformation, equipping, and sending for generations to come. Thank you for believing in and building with us!



Saturday, March 29th

San Marcos Academy, San Marcos

6pm – 8pm


Join us for Easter!

Click below to find out more


Your testimony is a powerful way to share your faith and celebrate God’s work in your life. We invite you to share a story that will inspire and encourage our church community while giving glory to God.

Please note that all submitted testimonies are shared with the Sozo pastoral staff and will receive a thoughtful response shortly. Thank you for being part of what God is doing in our church!

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Check out our YouTube for more!

Location & Times

We meet on Sundays at 10 a.m.


2801 Ranch Road 12
San Marcos, TX


Where Are We Located?

2801 Ranch Road 12San Marcos, TX

What is Service Like?

Sozo Church is a Spirit-filled family that believes the Bible is the inspired word of God. Sunday mornings are full of worship, prophetic words, healings, and biblically founded teachings. Church lasts about an hour and a half.

Where do I Park?

When turning into San Marcos Academy, just follow the signs that say "SOZO" and you will find our amazing parking team!

Is There A Kids Service?

Yes! We have an awesome kids ministry at Sozo Church! The kids have their own time of worship and message during the regular service!